How to purchase and install SSL certificate Tipărire

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In this tutorial we will use domain name as an example.

To purchase and install SSL certificate on cPanel account you need two things:
1) CSR - Certificate Signing Request
2) KEY - Private Key

To generate both at the same time go to Security section in cPanel and click SSL/TLS icon.

Click Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests. under Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) text.

Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR) form will appear and fill the form fields as follows:

- Key - Generate a new 2048 bit key should be selected
- Domains - fill it with your domain name - in our example - do not use "www." in domain name.
- City - your city
- State - your state
- Country - choose your country
- Company - your company name
- Company Division - you company division name or just your company name again
- Email - you valid, working email address
- Passphrase - as described in the form - Some certificate authorities may require CSRs to have a passphrase. The certificate authority can use a CSR passphrase to confirm the identity of the person or organization with whom you wish to communicate. CSR passphrases are stored unencrypted in the CSR. Because of this, and also because you will share this passphrase with a third party, do not use an important password here.
- Description - you can skip it or write any description there

Click Generate.

Now you see generated CSR and KEY - they are also stored on your cPanel account at this moment so you can have access to them in any time. For now please leave this generated CSR and KEY open as we will need CSR - Encoded Certificate Signing Request part - for our purchase in Billing/Support system:

So now, please log in to your account in if you already have one created, if not, please register :)

From the menu, please choose Sevices -> Order new services than click SSL Certificates link and click Order Now button for either Comodo SSL certificate you wish to buy.
Click Checkout to make a 2CheckOut payment.

After successful payment please go to Sevices -> My services.

Your purchased SSL certificate should be listed here ready to finish its configuration.

Click View Details next to it.

Now you see Information page, click Go to the SSL configure wizard.

Now, on Configure SSL Certificate page choose from Web Server Type Apache +ModSSL and in CSR field paste your Certificate Signing Request copied from cPanel:


and click button Click to continue.

On the next page choose your Certificate Approver Email and click button Click to continue.

Now after few minutes you should receive email from Comodo with the link and instructions to confirm your certificate order.

After confirmation SSL Certificate will be issued.
Again, go to Sevices -> My services and this time, when you click View details next to certificate there will be your SSL certificate CRT, certificate signing request CSR and CA bundle like on below image:

Now you got everything that you need to install your SSL certificate.
Go back to cPanel, click SSL/TLS icon.

Under Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS) text click on link Manage SSL sites.

Now you need to choose your domain name from Domain list. Then you need to fill out Certificate: (CRT) with our SSL certificate and now you can click button next to key field Autofill by Certificate to fill out Private Key (KEY) field.
And last you need to fill is field Certificate Authority Bundle: (CABUNDLE) - paste your CA Bundle there.
Live option Enable SNI for Mail Services checked and click button Install Certificate and you done. As you can see it was not that hard.

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